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Dry January - Your Guide for a Sober Month

Jenny Downs

The start of the New Year gives us the opportunity to re-evaluate our lives. One of the most popular thoughts is to join Dry January and dip your toes into an alcohol-free month. Dry January is a great way to reset your relationship with alcohol and reap some of the amazing benefits for your physical and mental health. Whether you're looking to break a habit, re-assess your relationship with alcohol, or simply give your body a rest, So here is your dry January guide for a sober month to give you some tips to help you navigate this journey.

Making a Difference

31 days will give your mind and body a fabulous refresh – just a month of abstention can give you both long and short-term benefits. Research shows that Dry January can bring physiological improvements such as lower blood pressure and a greater feeling of well-being. If you are closing out 2023 not feeling your best – a month of refraining from alcohol can give you the space to access your plans for the New Year with a clear mind – you never know – you may realise that you prefer life without it.


Manage Your Month


Doing something different to your usual routine can be challenging – you may find that you need to change your routines and surround yourself with some supportive people. Sober Essex can help here – we have a massive support network to get you through and lots of wonderful ideas to keep you on your chosen January path. Not in Essex? Here is a list to help you to navigate the month:


  1. Write down your whys – is it health? Family? Money? What are your reasons for taking a break? Keep these with you – if you feel challenged – read your WHYS.

  2. Avoid your usual – going out? You may prefer to avoid pubs and bars for the month and avoid temptation. If you are going out – check ahead that there are alcohol-free alternatives.

  3. Be comfortable with the words “No thank you.” You have decided to take a break – don’t let anyone negatively influence this.

  4. Fill your time with wonderful things: You WILL have more productive time – make this special. Get out and get walking – immerse yourself in nature. Read a book, meet some new friends, start getting fit, try new food, look at journaling, start a new positive habit, volunteer, join Sober Essex! 

To Finish

Final Thoughts

Be kind to yourself - if some things don’t go as planned, you can reset the next day. You can achieve! Try your best to complete the month and recognise your wins – this could be the new year where you make really positive changes.

If this month makes you feel anxious and it feels out of your reach – then now is the time to reconsider your relationship with alcohol. There are lots of support groups and some can be found on our website here: If you are physically addicted to alcohol you must seek medical advice before embarking on any reduction or abstention.

(c) Sober Essex 2023

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